Voluntary Jobs in Tavistock

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Tavistock Voluntary Jobs

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BMJ Group

BMJ's track record of case studies is second to none. Here are our stories.

BMA House, Tavistock Square , London. WC1H 9JR

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Moor than meets the eye

Moor than meets the eye is a landscape partnership scheme which is helping people to explore Dartmoor’s past, conserve its wildlife, improve understanding of this rich landscape and develop and share the skills to look after it for generations to come. Through a broad range of projects we will look at how the landscape of the moor has been shaped by people over 4,000 years.

Tavistock, Devon. PL20 6QF

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The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Crime and Scamming

APPG on Financial Crime and Scamming - Home

Greater London. WC1H 9LT