Direct Hiring Made Easy

Create Employer Profile

Post a Job

Manage Applicants via Applicant Tracking System

Post your job in 60 seconds... Get started now!

Quality Applicants, No One-Click Apply Feature

Job hunters respond to your individual requirements for the job using the STAR model

Applicants analysed via Applicant Rank Algorithm to determine fit for role

Invite applicants to interview via Applicant Tracking System

Post your job in 60 seconds... Get started now!

Urgent Hire? Advertise

Not every possible job hunter in the market searches on Tendo Jobs or reads our job hunter emails daily

We create tailored advertising on external websites throughout the UK to get your job in front of relevant candidates by utilising modern digital marketing tools and technologies

Tailor and flex your advertising budget as required, set your budget and we'll take care of the rest

Post your job in 60 seconds... Get started now!

Enterprise Requirements?

Integration options available, both configurable or custom solutions tailored to your needs

Integrate with your existing Applicant Tracking System

Scale and flex to meet your requirements