Customer Service Jobs in Keswick

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Keswick Customer Service Jobs

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Relyon Beds

Renowned for creating the best beds in the world, Relyon have a reputation that has been earned and protected for over 150 years. Relyon not only make the most comfortable beds - they create years of wonderful, restful nights' sleep for every customer.

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Concept Metal Products

Established in 1975 by the current owner Geoff Bentham. Conceptâ??s growth is testament to Geoffâ??s vision. In the early days he recognised the importance and introduction of the computer age. Concept has always had the customerâ??s needs at the forefront of itâ??s priorities. We are continually striving to improve our service. With this in mind we have, over the years, invested in some of the largest and longest sheet metal bending and cutting machinery in the UK.

Middleton, Greater Manchester.