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We are Solicitors in Leicester who provide excellent service and quality advice. We are local Solicitors in Leicester with 5 offices across the County, but we also act for clients nationwide. Our experts are specialist, experienced solicitors and executives. From farm sales, supplier contracts, estate planning and | Josiah Hincks Solicitors

Syston, Leicestershire. LE1 7GB

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Sewell On The Go

Want to join our team? From flexible hours to fabulous Sewell perks such as free gym access, find out why we're a Sunday Times 100 Best Company to Work For and number one in Yorkshire.

Sutton, Greater London. HU7 0DG

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Sewell Group

Want to join our team? From flexible hours to fabulous Sewell perks such as free gym access, find out why we're a Sunday Times 100 Best Company to Work For and number one in Yorkshire.

Sutton, Greater London. HU7 0DG

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Flexiform Business Furniture have been a leading UK designer, manufacturer and supplier of quality office furniture, storage and seating for 40 years.

West Yorkshire. BD3 7AE

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Gloucestershire's Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Chris Nelson says the time has come to make a stand against sexual entertainment in the County

Gloucestershire. GL2 2AN

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Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

C&W Chamber of Commerce membership offers business networking opportunities to improve your contacts, raise your profile & create new opportunities

Warwick, Warwickshire. CV1 2TL

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Market Harborough Building Society

MHBS has been owned by our members since 1870. Find out more about our financial services, including our savings, mortgages and residential bridging loans

Market Harborough, Leicestershire. LE16 7PD

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Market Harborough Building Society

COVID latest

Market Harborough, Leicestershire. LE16 7PD

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Market Harborough Building Society

MHBS has been owned by our members since 1870. Find out more about our financial services, including our savings, mortgages and residential bridging loans

Market Harborough, Leicestershire. LE16 7PD