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Durham Accountancy Jobs

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Tendo Jobs

The Innovation Centre, 1 Evolution Park, Lancashire, BB1 2FD.

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Working with business owners throughout the UK and Ireland from our base in Consett ( County Durham ) Newcastle, London, we believe that your life and your time can be positively affected by the interaction of our team and the implementation of Xero and other online solutions

Consett, County Durham.

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Advantex Network Solutions

Advantex Network Solutions simplify complex IT, communication & security systems into single, easy-to-manage solutions. Click to see what we can do for you!

Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. t1P8cT

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Parker Design Consultants

Parker Design Consultants is a creative agency thats connects people, brands and ideas by doing what we love, bringing standout design into the real world.

Cheshire. CW9 7UA

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The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) is the national, strategic body that is responsible for funding teaching and learning provision, research and other activities in Scotland's colleges and universities

EH12 5HD

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An award-winning private equity house with money to invest in established and ambitious UK companies. We support ambitious management teams with a sound track record of business growth

Greater Manchester. W1K 6LX

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Dow Schofield Watts Corporate Finance Limited

Results focused Finance Advisory business with industry experts in Corporate Finance, Due Diligence and more.

Greater London.